Drop Shadow Design
Food Photography | 3D Printing | Marketing
This is us. Our personality, talents, passions, hobbies, and other crazy fun stuff all rolled into one vision.
First and foremost, we do this because we like to! Everything here is born out of our drives and desires to love what we are doing, and hopefully in the process create something that others enjoy as well.
Really, that's it. That's the why.
From website design, to food photography & recipe development, to branding, logos, and copy, all the way to small specialty 3D printing crafts and repairs,
original artwork, and really anything
else we can think of that sounds fun,
Drop Shadow Design is the way we bring it all together.

What we Specialize In
Content Creation & Marketing
3D Printing & Creative Expression
Websites, Branding & Copy
Popular Recipes
Follow Food Styling & Photography @wineandawhisk

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